Blue Byte Systems Inc. SOLIDWORKS VBA Macro Library

A macro is a small, self-contained program that automates repetitive tasks in SOLIDWORKS. Our VBA Macro Library is designed to streamline your workflow by providing a collection of pre-written macros that help automate common tasks in SOLIDWORKS such as part creation, assembly management, and sketching.
Getting Started
Explore the VBA Macro Library to find pre-built automation solutions for your SOLIDWORKS projects.
Free and Organized by Category
All of our VBA macros are free to use and are carefully organized into the following categories:
- Parts: Automate tasks related to part creation, modifications, and features.
- Assemblies: Manage assemblies, components, and mates efficiently.
- Sketching: Simplify sketch-related tasks, including constraints, dimensions, and geometry creation.
- Drawings: Generate or modify drawing views and annotations quickly.
- Bill Of Materials: Macros that manage Bill Of Materials.
Each macro is designed to save you time and reduce repetitive tasks, helping you work more efficiently with SOLIDWORKS.
Contact Us
For more information or to contact us about our VBA Macro Library, please visit our Contact Us page.